Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (2024)

Table of Contents
Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: Research/Development Areas: References

All Researchers

    Information Science and Engineering Course
  • Master’s Program
  • Doctoral Program
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (1)

UEHARA Tetsutaro

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • System Security,System Administration,Digital Forensics

Cyber Security Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (2)

OCHI Hiroyuki

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • FPGA and Reconfigurable Architecture,Ultra-low Power System,Algorithms and Data Structures for VLSI Design Automation

Integrated Systems Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (3)

KITAMURA Yoshinobu

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Knowledge Engineering,Knowledge Sharing,Ontology,Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge Computing Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (4)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Data Science,IoT,e-Society,Statistical Modeling and Simulation,Smart City and Smart Farming
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (5)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Knowledge Processing,Communication Support

※Unable to accept new students from April 2023.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (6)

SHIBATA Fumihisa

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Mobile Computing,Mixed Reality,Human Machine Interface

Mobile Computing Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (7)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Data Engineering,Data Science,Usability Engineering,Education Engineering

Data Engineering Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2023.

※Unable to accept new Master's students from September 2024.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (8)

TAKADA Hideyuki

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Collaborative Learning,Computer Supported Cooperative Work,Distributed Computing,Databases
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (9)

NISHIO Nobuhiko

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • IoT,Smart Computing Environment,Embedded Systems,Autonomous Driving System,Location Information System

Ubiquitous Computing and Networking Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2025.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (10)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computer-mediated Communication,Internetworking

Global Information Networks Laboratory

※Unable to accept new students from April 2023.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (11)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Ad Hoc Networks,IoT,Wireless Sensor Networks,Connected Car

Network Systems Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (12)

HATTORI Hiromitsu

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Multi-Agent Simulation,Social System Design,Artificial Intelligence,Discussion/Dialogue Support
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (13)

MARUYAMA Katsuhisa

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (14)

MURAO Kazuya

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Wearable Computing,Ubiquitous Computing,Sensing,Activity Recognition,Biological Information

Intelligent Interactive System Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (15)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Services Computing,Design Studies,Artificial Intelligence
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (16)

MOURI Koichi

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Operating System,Virtualization Technology,Computer Security,Embedded System

System Software Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (17)

YAMAsh*tA Shigeru

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Next-Generation Computing,Quantum Computation,Quantum Circuit Design,Biochip

New Generation Computing Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (18)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • IoT,Sensor Network,Blockchain,Machine Learning,Embedded System
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (19)

Jooho LEE

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Intelligent Robots,Intelligent Space,Machine Learning,Human Interface
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (20)

IZUMI Tomoko

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Cognitive Engineering,Human Computer Interaction,Memories Engineering,Kansei Engineering
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (21)

KITANO Katsunori

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computational Theory of the Brain,Neural Network

Computational Neuroscience Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (22)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Human Computer Interaction,Virtual Reality,Mixed Reality/Augmented Reality

Reality Media Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (23)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Interactive Intelligent Systems,Kansei Engineering
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (24)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Digital Human Modeling,Human Movement Analysis,Scientific Visualization,Sensory Data Analysis

Advanced Computer Graphics and Digital Human Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2023.

※Unable to accept new Master's students from September 2024.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (25)

SHINODA Hiroyuki

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Visual information Processing,Color Science,Psychophysics

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (26)

Mikhail SVININ

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Robotics,Haptics,Machine Intelligence

Intelligent Robotic Systems Laboratory

※Unable to accept new students from April 2023.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (27)

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Robotic Interface,Computer Vision,Machine Learning,Human Computer Interaction

Interaction Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (28)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Game AI,Serious Games,Audience Participation Games

Intelligent Computer Entertainment Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (29)

TANAKA Satoshi

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computer Graphics,Computer Visualization ,3D Measurement ,Digital Humanities,Big Data Visualization

Computer Graphics Laboratory 1

※Unable to accept new students from April 2023.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (30)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Human Medical Engineering,Brain Neuroscience

Biological Information Engineering Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (31)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computational Biology,Machine Learning,Bioimage Informatics,Time Series Analysis,Data-driven Science

Computational Biology Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (32)

Yen-Wei CHEN

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Intelligent Image Processing,Medical Image Analysis,Computer Vision

Intelligent Image Processing Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2025.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (33)

TSUBO Yasuhiro

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computational Neurosciece,Neural Activity Measurement,Statistical Modeling,Complex Network

Neural Information Processing Systems Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (34)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computer Graphics,Numerical Simulation

Computer Graphics Laboratory 2

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (35)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Acoustic Signal Processing,Immersive audio,Pin-Spot Audio,Noise Cancelling

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (36)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computational Intelligence,Machine Learning,Optimization

Computational Intelligence Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2024.

※Unable to accept new Master's students from September 2025.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (37)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Human Computer Interaction,Natural Language Processing,Information Visualization,Comic Computing
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (38)

NOMA Haruo

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Virtual Reality,Haptic Interface,Human Interface,Social Design
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (39)

f*ckUMOTO Junichi

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Natural Language Processing,Information Extraction,Question Answering,Interaction

Natural Language Processing Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2023.

※Unable to accept new Master's students from September 2024.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (40)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Digital Libraries,Information Retrieval,Multilingual Information Processing,Digital Humanities

Digital Library Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (41)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Soft Robotics,Cognitive Psychology

Biorobotics Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (42)

YAMAsh*tA Yoichi

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Speech Recognition,Speech Synthesis,Acoustic Signal Processing

※Unable to accept new students from April 2023.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (43)

Liang LI

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Image Processing,Virtual Reality,Computer Graphics,Visualization

Computer Graphics Laboratory 1

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (44)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Network Cache ,Network Security,Quantum Network

Advanced Network Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (45)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Visual Information Engineering,Computational Perception,Image and Video Quality Assessment

Visual Information Engineering Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (46)

TANAKA Kenichiro

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computational Imaging,Computer Vision,Optical Sensing,Machine Learning

Vision and Imaging Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (47)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Human-Computer Interaction,Human-Robot Interaction,Playful Interventions,Embodied Cognitive Science
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (48)

AKIYAMA Soramichi

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Memory Systems,Approximate Computing,Virtual Machine,Operating Systems,Memory Security
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (49)

YOSHIDA Norihiro

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Software Engineering,IoT,Security
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (50)

Gang XU

Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Image Processing,Robotics,Machine Learning

3D Vision Laboratory

※Unable to accept new Doctoral students from September 2023.

※Unable to accept new Master's students from September 2024.

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (51)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Cryptography,Post Quantum Cryptography,Machine Learning,Secure Computation

Applied Cryptography Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (52)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Digital Governance Systems, Digital Democracy, E-Government Applications, E-Participation

Digital Governance Systems Laboratory

Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (53)


Researcher's database

Research/Development Areas:

  • Computer Vision, Human Interface, Image Processing, VR/AR, Human Behavior Analysis

Computer Vision Laboratory

NEXTCurriculum and Completion Regulation
Researchers | Ritsumeikan University | RITSUMEIKAN | Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.