Kuroko's Basketball: Would You Like To Chat Ova Poison (2025)

1. Kuroko no Basket: Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka - MyAnimeList.net

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  • Special included on Kuroko no Basket Fan Disc 2: Hikari Sasu Basho e.

Kuroko no Basket: Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka - MyAnimeList.net

2. Let's Chat - Kuroko no Basuke Wiki - Fandom

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  • Let's Chat (お喋りしよっか, Oshaberi Shiyokka) is the special episode of the Kuroko no Basuke anime included in the Fan Disc. Kuroko, Kagami and the Seirin Team are having a meal at  Maji Burger. Upon sitting together Riko told the team to chat to each other about complete nonsense because its a fandisc, but Kiyoshi wants to know what happened before he came back to playing basketball. Kuroko told what happened from their practice match with Kaijou to their preliminary league matches. While Kuroko is a

Let's Chat - Kuroko no Basuke Wiki - Fandom

3. kuroko no basket — ALSO CAN I ASK FOR SOME RANDOM GOM HCS U ...

4. NEWS: Kuroko's Basketball Creator Responds to Arrest in Poison ...

  • Dec 30, 2013 · Thank God for the arrest. Hope that criminal learns his lesson. On another note: Quote: Lastly, he told fans that he would like ...

  • ×

5. Would You Mind Doing That Once More | Kuroko no Basuke Wiki

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  • Would You Mind Doing That Once More (もう一回やりませんか, Mōikkai yarimasen ka), also translated to "Let's Do that Again", is an OVA episode of the Kuroko no Basuke anime included with Season 2 DVD Volume 6. It is based off of the 124th chapter of the manga and shows how Tetsuya Kuroko and Daiki Aomine first met. This episode's opening is Hengen Jizai no Magical Star and the ending is FANTASTIC TUNE. The episode begins on a fall evening at Teikō Junior High. Satsuki Momoi informs Daiki Aomine about a rum

Would You Mind Doing That Once More | Kuroko no Basuke Wiki

6. Man arrested for year-long terrorism campaign against manga “Kuroko's ...

  • Dec 17, 2013 · Inside the container was a liquid capable of releasing poisonous hydrogen sulphide. Attached was a note which read, “I hate Fujimaki.” □ ...

  • On 12 October, 2012 a plastic container was left on the second floor in the gymnasium of Tokyo’s Jochi University (aka Sophia University), one of Japan’s most prestigious schools and alma mater of Tadatoshi Fujimaki the writer of the hit manga series Kuroko’s Basketball (aka The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays). Ins ...

Man arrested for year-long terrorism campaign against manga “Kuroko's ...

7. Watch Kuroko no Basket - Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka - HiAnime

  • Special included on Kuroko no Basket Fan Disc 2: Hikari Sasu Basho e. Japanese: お喋りでもしませんか. Synonyms: Kuroko's Basketball: Would You Like To Chat OVA.

  • Best site to watch Kuroko no Basket: Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka English Sub/Dub online Free and download Kuroko no Basket: Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka English Sub/Dub anime.

Watch Kuroko no Basket - Oshaberi Demo Shimasen ka - HiAnime

8. Basketball anime for those who liked Kuroko no Basket - Suki Desu

  • If you have already watched any of these on the list, leave your comment saying what it was, and share the article to help us. Now let's stop the small talk and ...

  • Discover electrifying basketball anime that capture the excitement of Kuroko no Basket. Explore stories of overcoming challenges and camaraderie in the sports world. Click and find your next favorite!

Basketball anime for those who liked Kuroko no Basket - Suki Desu
Kuroko's Basketball: Would You Like To Chat Ova Poison (2025)


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